Healthy Kids

14 Trillium Way, Thunder Bay, ON, Canada

16-288 Windsor Street, Thunder Bay, ON, Canada

277 Pacific Avenue, Thunder Bay, ON, Canada

Our Locations

We currently have Healthy Kids sites in the Blucher-Windsor-Picton area (Unit 16 – 288 Windsor St.) and Academy Heights neighborhood (14 Trillium Way). Exciting news – our third Healthy Kids site is now open at Minnesota Park (277 Pacific Ave.), offering satellite programming at McKellar Park and Ogden schools, Our Kids Count, and Dease Park. While there isn’t a Healthy Kids site in Westfort, we provide programming in the area.

These Healthy Kids sites are safe spaces where our team facilitates programming for children and adults at no cost to participants.  Many adult-focused programs offer childcare while parents and caregivers participate in workshops like community kitchens, playgroups, craft tutorials, and counselling sessions.

Stay tuned for updates on program information and site calendars by checking our Facebook and Instagram pages!

14 Trillium Way, Thunder Bay, ON, Canada

16-288 Windsor Street, Thunder Bay, ON, Canada

277 Pacific Avenue, Thunder Bay, ON, Canada

Healthy Kids Planning Team

Meet regularly throughout the year with neighbours to plan activities for families in your community and support programs offered by Healthy Kids. This group is the voice of the families that attend our centres.
If you’re interested in joining, please email

Contact Us

Questions? Send us a message.

General Contact

Feel free to contact us directly: